10 Natural Scrubs for Lips: How Often Should Exfoliate Lips at Home

Exfoliate Lips at Home: We always try to take care of our facial skin as well as try to learn about different ways to exfoliate our face.

But, do you take care of your pretty pouty lips? Ever think to exfoliate them at home?

Just a minute, you need to exfoliate them regularly like your face skin.

Now it is time to know the best ways to exfoliate lips naturally at home which will provide you soft, smooth and kissable lips.

Dear viewers in this post, you will know ten different ways to exfoliate your lips at home.

The ingredients will be used here are easily available in your kitchens.

And with the safety factor, I am confirming you that there is no side effect in applying these remedies.

Exfoliate Lips at Home

10 Ways to Exfoliate lips at Home:

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  1. Sugar and Honey Scrub:


  • One tablespoon of sugar
  • One tablespoon of honey
  • A bowl of warm water


  • Mix honey and sugar into the bowl to make a smooth paste
  • Softly rub this paste about your lips in a round motion by your fingertips.
  • Rinse off it using warm water after 2-3 minutes and perfectly dry.

The hydrating properties of honey work surprisingly to exfoliate your lips.

  1. Baking Soda Scrub:

The benefits of baking soda for lip exfoliation never stop us to be surprised.

It is an excellent source to remove all the bacteria and dead skin from your lips.


  • One tablespoon of baking soda
  • Two tablespoons of water


  • Make a smooth paste by mixing 2 of these ingredients.
  • Now take the paste on a toothbrush and rub this scrub on your lips.
  • Leave them for about 3 minutes.
  • Wash off the scrub applying warm water.
  1. Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub:

The benefits of olive oil for lips exfoliation are known to all. Mixing it with sugar is one of the best ways to exfoliate lips at home.


  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • One tablespoon of granular sugar

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  • Mix olive oil and granular sugar properly.
  • Use the scrub on your lips.
  •  Lightly exfoliate applying your fingertips.
  • Rinse off the lip scrub after some minutes.
  • Use a lip balm after the exfoliation.
  1. Scrub with a Washcloth:

To apply this natural remedy, you only need a Washcloth.

If you don’t have enough time or you are out of your home, you may apply this method to exfoliate your lips.


  • Take a clean washcloth under running water and squeeze the water out properly.
  • Then lightly rub the wet cloth on your lips.
  • Once done, use a lip balm to keep it smooth.
  1. Rose Water and Glycerin Scrub:

This is a typical mixture and is preferred by many celebrities also! Rose water can make brighten your light colored lips.


  • One teaspoon of glycerin
  • One teaspoon of rose water.


  • Make a smooth mixture by mixing rose water and glycerin.
  • Apply the mixture applying your fingertips on your lips.
  • You have to do this procedure at night before going to bed.
  1. Jojoba Oil and Brown Sugar Scrub:

The antibacterial properties presence in jojoba oil can destroy all the harmful bacteria, and the brown sugar makes the scrub very much appetizing.


  • One tablespoon of jojoba oil
  • One tablespoon of brown sugar


  • Mix jojoba oil and brown sugar to make a smooth scrub.
  • Apply your fingertips and softly scrub the lips in a round motion.
  • When the sugar is melted on your lips. Stay for a while.
  • Wash it off applying warm water.
  • Once done, use a lip balm to keep it smooth.

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  1. Aloe Vera Scrub:

Aloe vera is a great natural ingredient for dry and cracked lips.

This scrub will not only exfoliate but also will moisturize your lips effectively.

If possible, use fresh Aloe Vera gel directly on your lips through your fingertips.

When the Aloe Vera gel is melted on your lips. Stay for a while. Wash it off applying warm water. Once done, use a lip balm to keep it smooth.

  1. Lemon and Honey Scrub:

Lemon juices are used for different purposes. It also makes your lips smooth and soft.

The citric acid in lemons is an effective exfoliator representative.


  • A half of lemon
  • ½ teaspoon of organic honey


  • First of all, take half a lemon and lightly rub it about your lips
  •  Then use a thin layer of honey on your lips with applying your fingertips,
  • Leave for 10 minutes, apply a warm cloth to take away the honey.
  1. Coconut Oil and Sugar Scrub:

One more useful mixture for dry lips is coconut oil and sugar scrub.

These two ingredients are great for killing bacteria and nourishing the lips.


  • A few drops of coconut oil
  • One tablespoon of sugar


  • Mix these two ingredients to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply a toothbrush to rub it about your lips in a round motion.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off using warm water.

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  1. Coconut Oil and Coffee Scrub:

Coconut oil is excellent for killing bacteria and nourishing the lips whereas the caffeine in coffee will make your lips smooth and soft.


  • One tablespoon of coconut oil
  • A few coffee grounds


  • Mix these two ingredients to make a smooth paste.
  • Apply a toothbrush to rub it about your lips in a round motion.
  • Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off using warm water.

Saidur Rahman
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