Does anybody ask you a question that what causes bad breath even after brushing? If YES! Then you have come to the right place. Here are the two main bad breath causes that you didn’t know.
If you occasionally have bad breath, sometimes called halitosis, you’re not alone.
Some studies show that fifty percent of adults have had bad breath at some point in their lives.
Several possible causes are ranging from harmless to severe.
And what causes bad breath from the stomach?
No, it’s not garlic, although that doesn’t help.
It’s an oral Microflora. While flora might sound rosy, it’s hundreds of types of bacteria that are naturally found in your mouth.
Read More: Natural Cures for Bad Breath? 14 Best Ways to get rid of Bad Breadth
And it doesn’t smell rosy. Your warm moist mouth works as a perfect hothouse for bacteria to grow.
After you eat, that bacterium goes to work consuming food particles left in your mouth and secreting waste known as volatile sulfur compounds.
It’s these compounds that smell like rotten eggs that cause bad breath.
Over-the-counter mouthwashes can help kill bacteria and temporarily remove bad smelly compounds.
The longer you wait to remove those food particles by brushing and flossing, the more likely your breath will offend.
Most of the bacteria that cause bad breath are found on the back of your tongue.
Stick out your tongue and look way in the back you’ll probably see a white or brownish coating — that’s where most of the bad breath bacteria hang out.
So when you brush twice a day, remember to brush your tongue to get rid of it. You can also use a tongue scraper.
Studies have shown that tongue brushing reduces bad breath measurements by seventy percent.
Read More:9 Simple and Effective Home Remedies for Bad Breath
If you use a changeable dental plate, take them out at night and confirm to clean them thoroughly before using them again the next morning.
One more cause of bad breath is dry mouth. Your saliva works around the clock to wash out your mouth, so if you don’t have enough saliva, your mouth isn’t getting cleaned enough.
This can be caused by taking several medications, salivary gland troubles, or simply by breathing through your mouth.
You might try sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free candies to help generate more saliva, or your dentist may recommend artificial saliva.
Long-term bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth can also be a warning sign of advanced gum disease which is occurred by plaque.
Your dentist can help bring your gums back to a healthy state.
Now, if your dentist rules out the causes mentioned here and you brush and floss your teeth every day, bad breath may be the result of another health problem such as a sinus condition, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, in which case you would want to see your family doctor.