7 Powerful Muskmelon Benefits that you must Know

Are you interested to know about muskmelon benefits? IF YES! Then you have come to the right place.

Muskmelon is a tasty, flavorful, and energizing fruit that fits into summer salads and smoothies equally with no hesitation.

This type of melon contains high antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, all of which boost some essential health benefits.

It’s also multipurpose, delicious, and easy to add in a range of different recipes.

Therefore what is a muskmelon? And what really sets it aside from other types of melon, for example, cantaloupe?

This article will cover everything about the health benefits of muskmelon or muskmelon benefits.

Muskmelon Benefits

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What Is Muskmelon?

The scientific name of muskmelon is “Cucumis melo”, – a type of melon fruit that belongs to the same family such as squash, pumpkins, cucumbers, and zucchinis.

Muskmelon has been cultivated for thousands of years, dating back to ancient Egypt.

While there’s an argument over where the melon actually cultivated first?

Experts believe it may be local to Central Asia, Egypt or Africa, and Persia.

Over time, the muskmelon plant has been cultivated into some different varieties, including honeydew and cantaloupe, each of which has distinctive variations in taste and look.

Sweet flavour and vibrant flesh, muskmelon also provides a large amount of potassium, fiber, vitamin A, C in every portion.

Muskmelon Nutrition Profile:

The muskmelon nutrition profile is fascinating, filled with a decent volume of potassium, fiber, vitamin A, C for a low amount of muskmelon calories in each portion.

One cup or 250 grams of muskmelon covers-

  • 60 calories
  • 1.5 grams of protein
  • 15.6 grams carbohydrate
  • 0.3 grams of fat
  • 1.6 grams of dietary fiber
  • 473 milligrams potassium (14 % DV)
  • 5,987 IUs vitamin A (120 % DV)
  • 65 milligrams vitamin C (108 % DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams vitamin B6 (6 % DV)
  • 37.2 micrograms folate (9 %t DV)
  • 1.3 milligrams niacin (6 % DV)
  • 4.4 micrograms vitamin K (6 % DV)
  • 21.2 milligrams magnesium (5% DV)
  • 0.1 milligrams thiamine (5 %DV)

Moreover, to the nutrients mentioned above, the muskmelon nutrition profiles also have a small quantity of copper, phosphorus, and manganese.

Muskmelon Benefits:

  1. Muskmelons Improve Immune Function:

Muskmelon contains a high amount of vitamin A and C; both of them play a vital role in immune function.

According to a study in Switzerland, getting plenty of vitamin C in your diet could help get rid of symptoms and decrease the period of respiratory disorders like the common cold.

On the other hand, Vitamin A can improve immune function and is involved with controlling cellular immune replies and helping in the treatment of infections.

  1. Benefits of Eating Muskmelon for Healthy Vision:

A portion of muskmelon is suggested every day for vitamin A- a vital micro-nutrient needed for healthy vision.

Vitamin A helps to create “conjunctiva”- a type of membrane that protects the eye surfaces, can create mucous to protect against dirt and disease.

The lack of this essential vitamin can cause huge side effects; including vision complications, for example, night blindness and dry eyes.

  1. Muskmelon for Weight Loss:

High fiber and low caloric muskmelon may help improve and sustain long-term weight loss.

Fiber can increase feelings of fullness.

Remarkably, a study conducted on 252 women over 20 months and published the result in the Journal of Nutrition that each gram of daily eating fiber was linked to 0.5 pounds of weight loss and 0.25 percent fat loss over time.

Read More: A Simple Weight Loss Diet Plan Can Cure-all Chronic Diseases: Read How

  1. Muskmelon Enhances Regularity:

Fiber content presence in muskmelon can help improve digestive health. Fiber helps add bulk to the stool to keep things functioning and stop constipation.

According to a meta-analysis in China in 2012, increasing a high fiber diet can have an effective strategy to help improve stool frequency in those with constipation.

Adding a high fiber diet can also protect against many digestive disorders.

Particularly, fiber may help stop digestive disorders, for example, stomach ulcers, diverticulitis, haemorrhoids, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

  1. Muskmelons are Rich in Antioxidants:

Muskmelon contains a higher volume of antioxidants, which are great compounds that can help stop oxidative damage to the cells by deactivating risky free radicals.

A study in 2016 conducted by the University of Malakand in Pakistan found that beneficial antioxidant compounds in muskmelon seeds contain gallic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, and catechin derivatives.

Moreover, by stopping free radical damage, some study also recommends the presence of the antioxidants in muskmelon could protect against inflammation and chronic disorders, for example, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

  1. Health Benefits of Muskmelon for Heart Health:

With 14 percent of the regularly needed potassium into a cup of muskmelon may help support better heart health.

Some study suggests getting more potassium could drop blood pressure, which can decrease the possibility of heart stroke and heart attacks.

On the other hand, studies also prove increasing high fiber-based foods like muskmelon could help decrease blood pressure levels and help lower the possibility of heart disease.

  1. Muskmelon Drops Inflammation:

Although severe inflammation is regarded as a vital part of the body’s immune reaction, continuing long-term and high inflammation levels may increase the possibility of chronic disease.

Studies proved that muskmelon contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which may be for the presence of polyphenols and antioxidants that help prevent the accumulation of risky free radicals.

Actually, one animal model out of Paris proved managing cantaloupe extract to mice was efficient at lowering some particular signs used to assess inflammation, which could help in disease prevention and help improve overall health.


People with an allergy should avoid muskmelon to stop any side effects. Some study has proved that melon may also be connected to pollen allergies, latex sensitivity, therefore be careful if you have any of these other conditions.

Preferably, try to buy whole melons and cut them up at home without pre-cutting types to decrease the risk of “salmonella”- a type of food poisoning that may occur with diarrhea, chills and abdominal pain. Keeping fruit refrigerated and practicing proper food safety can also help prevent infection.


Muskmelon is a type of melon that contains sweet flavored and, soft flesh.

There are several types of muskmelon, such as cantaloupe, Persian melon, and honeydew.

Actually, the main difference between cantaloupes vs muskmelon is that all cantaloupes are exactly a type of muskmelon, but not all muskmelons are categorized as cantaloupe.

Muskmelon contains high in antioxidants, vitamin A, C, potassium but is low in calories.

Possible muskmelon benefits or benefits of cantaloupe include better weight loss, decreased inflammation, and better heart health, visualization, digestive health, and immune system.

This tasty, flavorful, and refreshing type of fruit can be added to salads, smoothies, and snacks.

Saidur Rahman
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