Types of Asthma, Symptoms and Treatments at Home

This post will cover five different types of asthma, symptoms and some ways on how to prevent asthma at home.

Asthma is a long-term health problem in which the air passages swell up, occurring breathing difficulty, and making stress in the upper body.

Currently, there is no complete cure for asthma, but the asthma symptoms can be controlled by taking some appropriate asthma treatments.

In this disorder, the bronchial tubes become swollen and awfully bother, which creates a limited air supply to the respiratory organ.

Asthma can also happen through allergy, mostly in-season change. Some of the most common elements like pollen or bacteria.

This long-term medical condition can cause severe problems for others.

Read More: Allergy and Asthma: Are they Occur Together? As If, Read How

There are many types of asthma. In this post; you will be able to find out what type of asthma you have, as well as be able to seek better asthma treatment options.

Types of Asthma

Types of Asthma

Some common types of asthma are given below.

1.  Allergic Asthma: 

This type is one of the top causes of asthma and is also identified as hay fever or allergic rhinitis.

Allergies and asthma can happen together. Actually, the same allergic reactions can also worsen an asthma attack.

Anything from a spore or pollen, strong smell, dust, molds, mites, smoke, and gases can affect the symptoms of an asthma attack.

If you have allergic asthma, your air passages squeeze due to particular allergens, making it difficult to take breaths well.

2. Childhood Asthma:

Asthma in children can bring an adverse impact on getting their air passages to be inflamed in the period of seasonal changes.

Some children may suffer from mild symptoms every day; others may experience severe or higher sensitivity to allergens.

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “children were visiting one or more times to emergency care for an asthma attack.”

Read More: Most Common Food Allergies in Children: 10 Questions and Solutions

3. Seasonal Asthma:

Seasonal asthma can worsen during seasonal changes. This type of asthma might cause at the beginning of the winter and autumn season in many asthma patients.

Besides mold, pollen, environmental heavy air pollution can cause asthma.

4. Cough related Asthma:

This kind of asthma can trigger severe cough as the main symptom. If you are suffering from continual coughing, which is not cured by taking regular medicines, it may be due to sinusitis asthma. People with this type of asthma, coughing can occur both day and night time.

5. Exercise linked Asthma:

If you feel breathing difficulty after doing exercise, it might be the consequence of the physical activity.

People with this type of asthma may feel breathing difficulty after doing exercise. The symptoms may start some minutes later of working out.

Symptoms of Asthma:

Asthma symptoms can be different from person to person. The most common asthma symptoms include:

  • Tightening in the chest
  • Breathing problem
  • Breathlessness
  • Puffed and coughing attack
  • Coughing at night

It’s vital to remember that if any asthma symptoms are not treated may turn deadly. For this reason, pay attention to get it to be cured timely through the help of medication. Asthma symptoms can be occurred at any age and can be affected by a person’s daily activities.

How to Prevent Asthma?

Read More: Asthma Attack: Types, Causes,Symptoms and Treatments

Whereas there is no specific way of preventing asthma, but some possible things you should remember to keep your asthma symptoms under control:

  1. Try Not To Miss Your Medications:

Visit your doctor to know the best treatment option for keeping your symptoms under control. Additionally, take your medicines on time and regularly try to observe your condition.

  1. Try to Find Out Your Asthma Triggers:

A person with allergic asthma should avoid possible allergens like dust mites, pollen, dust particles to cold air that may bother your air passages and cause inflammation.

  1. Pay Attention To Your Breathing:

Take note that how often you are using the inhaler and how fast you get breathless and start puffing. Try to find out what your asthma causes are or what makes it worse.

  1. Get vaccinated

Vaccinations are vital for pneumonia and influenza to confirm that you do not suffer from the flu or cold. Try practicing your best healthy resolution and don’t go close to cold or flu patients.

Saidur Rahman
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